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Flashes in Time collection released!

I’m happy to present my English solo debut collection Flashes in Time from Water Dragon Publishing. Strange thought experiments, weird worlds to wonder at, and the occasional moment of finding someone to share your particular brand of peculiar with.

What happens when an AI assistant is always whispering in your ear? Does hacking into the structure of reality help you get a prom date? When your world is dying, how far are you willing to go to save its people? What is the nature of identity, and who are you, anyway?

Flashes in Time explores these questions and more in sixteen imaginative short stories set atop a fourfold table of science fiction and fantasy, contemporary and far off.

A diverse cast of characters explores the limits of what it means to be human, and what our choices make of us.

From darkness to light and lingering in between, the scenarios and thought experiments take the reader on a journey with surprising yet inevitable twists.

The stories have been previously published in Finnish in my Välähdyksiä ajasta collection from my Finnish publisher Nysalor, though English actually is the original language for many of them; I write both of the renditions myself, of course.

Stay tuned for a *cough* longer work now in the pipeline, if all goes to plan. And, if you’re a reviewer, feel free to drop a request for a review copy.

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