Mikko Rauhala has written a varied selection of speculative short fiction – flash, short stories, and novelettes – in both Finnish and English. They often write both versions of any given story, and if they haven’t, they can easily be induced to do so.
See also Rauhala’s Amazon.com author page for book listings.
Publications in English:
- Flashes in Time (Water Dragon Publishing 2025)
- The Paperclip War (Water Dragon Publishing 2024)
- “In the Palm of His Hand” (The Forest Nymph , Nysalor publishing 2023)
- “Rekindled” (Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy of 2020, Metaphorosis Books 2021)
- “A Warrior’s Death”* (ANCIENTS, Black Hare Press 2020)
- “Europa Rising” (Deep Sea: A Journey into Cosmic Horror, Black Hare Press 2020)
- “Rising Up”* (OCEANS, Black Hare Press 2020)
- “The Best Revenge”* (HATE, Black Hare Press 2020)
- “Love Restored”*, (LOVE, Black Hare Press 2020)
- “Rekindled” (Community of Magic Pens, Atthis Arts 2020)
- Four short stories (Infinite Metropolis, Aurelia Leo 2019-2020)
- “How Bad Could it Be?”* (Chronos, Eric S. Fomley 2018)
- “No Rapture”* (Drabbledark, Eric S. Fomley 2018)
- Assorted flash fiction* (101 Words, 2018)
- Assorted flash fiction* (The Self-Inflicted Relative, Osuuskumma 2017)
- “The Guardian of Kobayashi” (Never Stop, Osuuskumma 2017)
- The original Finnish version was an Atorox award nominee for 2015.
Publications in Finnish:
- “Jumalan kämmenellä” (Vuosiviisari, Nysalor publishing 2023)
- Hail Eris (Osuuskumma 2022)
- “Joulupuu on rakennettu” / “O Christmas Tree” (Epätie, Nysalor publishing 2022)
- “Ken tästä käy” / “Ye Who Enter Here” (Kuiskaus pimeässä 2/2021)
- “Suuri uni” / “The Great Dream” (Kuiskaus pimeässä 1/2021)
- Välähdyksiä ajasta / Flashes in Time (Nysalor publishing 2021)
- “Klemmarisota” / “The Paperclip War” (Ei aivan ihmisiä, Osuuskumma 2021)
- “Europa nousee” / “Europa Rising” (Portti 1/2019)
- Honorary mention in Portti magazine’s annual contest.
- “Vartija” / “The Guardian” (Varjorikko 1/2019)
- “Väliajalla” / “Intermission” (Sirkus Synkkä, Osuuskumma 2018)
- “Tasapainon tie” / “In the Balance” (Kosmoskyna.net 2018)
- “Vakioreitti”* / “The Usual Route” (Praedor – Kahden maailman seikkailijat, Vaskikirjat 2018)
- “Vuosipäivä”* / “The Anniversary” (100 rikollista raapaletta, Kouvolan kaupunki 2017)
- First prize (shared 20 ways…) in a crime drabble contest.
- “Vaiston varassa” / “Running on Instinct” (Varjoisilta kujilta, Osuuskumma 2017)
- Assorted flash fiction* (Ajantakojat – Kummalinnun munia 3, Osuuskumma 2017)
- “Menninkäisten aamunkoitto” / “The Dawn of the Gnomes” (Steampunk! – Silintereitä ja siipirattaita, Osuuskumma 2016)
- “Kun lamppu sammuu” / “Into a Dream” (Kosmoskyna.net 2016)
- “Maailman siivu” / “A Slice of Life” (Portti 3/2015)
- Honorary mention in Portti magazine’s annual contest.
- “Höyryväki” / “The Steam Folk” (Supernova, Stk ry 2015)
- “Kobayashin vartija” / “The Guardian of Kobayashi” (Kristallimeri, Osuuskumma 2015)
- Atorox award nominee for 2015
* Flash fiction