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Hindsight Best of 2020

My English ventures have been somewhat on the backburner lately due to concentrating on polishing up my Finnish solo collection Välähdyksiä ajasta (Flashes in Time), to be published this summer by Nysalor publishing.

There’s always a few stories being considered at various markets, however, and I’m very happy to announce that my Community of Magic Pens story “Rekindled” has been published in Best Vegan Science Fiction & Fantasy 2020.

The anthology collects some of the years’s best vegan-friendly SFF stories. The main requirement for the stories is that they must not contain consumption or abuse of animals or animal products, and so on. It does not matter if the author is vegan, it is enough for the story to be.

While my story includes a crow character who voluntarily gives one of his feathers to his favorite medicine women for a quill, I was happy that the editor agreed with me that this was vegan in principle, as I did endeavor to endow the crow with agency as a character in his own right.

Best of the rest of the year to one and all; one at least hopes the worst the real world has to offer is behind us. Nera and Raziel from “Rekindled” would recommend getting vaccinated, if you haven’t already. It would make their job ever so much easier.

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